
The Magic of Chemist: The Chemist unit is a bit like the Trapper unit because they both give a damage buff. This is like a potion that makes your attacks stronger. But unlike the Trapper’s debuff that can go up to 180%, the Chemist’s buff maxes out at 103%.

Stacking Buffs Together: You might be thinking, “Oh no, Chemist isn’t as strong as Trapper!” But here’s a secret: Chemist and Trapper buffs can stack together without any problems. That means you can have a total of 283% damage buff if both buffs are active on a monster at the same time.

How This Works: Let’s imagine a scenario. A monster walks over a Trapper’s trap, then gets hit by a Chemist’s potion ball, and finally, gets shot by one of your damage-dealing units. Thanks to the Trapper’s and Chemist’s buffs, that shot will deal 283% more damage. So, if your damage-dealing unit usually hits for 200 points, with both buffs, it will deal a whopping 766 points of damage to the monster! So you see, the Chemist might not be as strong as the Trapper alone, but together, they’re a formidable team!

First Chemist Wins: This is a fun fact about the Chemist: if you have a Tier 7 Chemist and a Tier 1 Chemist on the board, the one that is closer to the monsters’ entrance gate will get to apply its debuff first. So, if you have a Tier 1 Chemist right next to the gate and a Tier 7 Chemist in the furthest corner, the Tier 1 Chemist’s weaker debuff will be applied first and the Tier 7 Chemist’s stronger debuff will be ignored! The game doesn’t care about the tier, it only cares about which debuff lands first. So, here’s a pro-tip: always remove any lower tier Chemists from the board and keep only the highest tier possible to maximize your damage output.